Agriculture is the Commonwealth’s #1 private industry, yet more than 950,000 Virginians will face food insecurity this year. Providing fresh produce is a key part to fighting hunger in Virginia.
Our Farms to Food Banks initiative was created to increase access to fresh produce for our neighbors in need while also supporting the hard working and generous spirit of the Commonwealth’s growers!

Virginia Agriculture Food Assistance Program (VAFAP)
Through the Virginia Agriculture Food Assistance Program (VAFAP), we are able to pay the fixed costs associated with donating excess produce that otherwise wouldn’t make it onto the shelves of grocery stores (your seconds and thirds).
Eligible growers may receive a state tax credit of up to 50% of market value.
If you are interested in learning more about this program and becoming a certified vendor to Virginia’s food bank network, please contact Greg Knight ( at Blue Ridge Area Food Bank for more information.