Resources for Our Partners
Our Virginia SNAP Toolkit provides an overview of SNAP program eligibility and benefits, state policies, and best practices for outreach.
Feed VA explores trends in Virginia hunger.
Feeding America is the nation’s larget domestic hunger relief organization.
Elevating Voices to End Hunger is one of Feeding America’s community-driven initiatives to listen people with lived experiences in order to create better solutions to ending hunger.
Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) is a national hunger advocacy and research organization that shares extensive information regarding hunger policy, news and reports.
Center on Hunger and Poverty releases policy papers and research concerning hunger and poverty.
Congressional Hunger Center is an outgrowth of the Congressional Select Committee on Hunger and provides educational resources and fellowships focused on direct service and hunger policy.
United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service administers food stamps, school meals and TEFAP. Online you can find requirements and program data regarding federally funded programs.
United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service researches federal food and nutrition assistance programs.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities provides timely research and updates on federal nutrition policy.
Center for Science in the Public Interest SNAP Toolkit provides background, research and policy recommendations for advocates.
The Food and Nutrition Service Program Participation Dashboard is an interactive tool that provides FNS nutrition program data, including participation and meals served, at the state, territory, and national levels.
Resources for Our Neighbors
Find Assistance. If you or someone you know needs food assistance, the Federation of Virginia Food Banks and our seven-member food banks can help to connect you with the food resources you need.
Benefits Checkup provides a calculator for federal benefits available for seniors.
The SNAP Calculator will help you find out if you qualify for SNAP and how much you qualify for.
No Kid Hungry allows you to enter your address and find free, healthy meals for your children.
Farm Market Fresh is a federal and state nutrition program administered by DARS’ Division for Community Living that authorizes farmers to accept Virginia’s Farm Market Fresh for Older Adults and WIC Program (S/FMNP) vouchers at farmers’ markets.